Reaching Industry Leaders with Your MIY Microsite

By Made in Yorkshire News
schedule8th Apr 21

Your microsite is a branded content site that lives outside of the Made in Yorkshire (MIY) homepage and brand URL. As it is directly linked to this you have the opportunity to be part of the 20,000+ visits the MIY website gets each month by regularly uploading news. 

Made in Yorkshire microsites, alongside featuring in the no. 1 ranked Directory Listing for "Yorkshire Manufacturing”, have the potential to reach numerous key figures in the industry - helping your brand get more exposure to potential clients and suppliers. 

Every week we send a digest of our latest, most interesting, and engaging news to around 7,000 industry leaders. By regularly uploading news to your microsite, we recommend at least once a week, you have the opportunity to reach this pool of people. 

We post our member’s articles to our social media channels every day. Therefore if you post news to your microsite every week, your news could be featured on our social channels - where we have over 30,000 followers across Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. 

Your bespoke HTTPS secure microsite, a multi-domain SEO strategy, compliments your current online operations. Make sure to publish news from your website to your microsite to giving it that extra boost. 

Other than your regular company news, your microsite news could also be based on…

  • Job vacancies 
  • Announcements of new products or services
  • Winning major contracts or general company success
  • Best Practices tips/guides
  • Case studies or collaborations

Now here's how you can upload news to reach multiple industry leaders...

1. After logging in to your MIM account, head to the 'News' section on the left-hand side. You can log in to your account by heading to ‘My Account’ in the top right-hand corner of the MIM website. 
2. Click the “create new article” button on the top right of the page.
3. Fill in the boxes with the required content, such as title, feature image (which will be the image at the top of your article) and the main body of the article.
4. Once everything has been filled in (including SEO title and description) click save as a draft or publish.
5. Now check the front end of your microsite by searching your company name in “Search Members” on the Made in the Midlands/Made in Yorkshire website to check all is ok! 

   Login to your microsite and upload your latest news